Friday, 9 May 2014

fifa 14 case study

                                                        Fifa 14 case study 


What print adverts were used to advertise the game? Find examples and post them on your blog.
EA sports used magazines and billboards to promote Fifa 14.In this print the central image is Messi and behind him is a car that was also used in the trailer (synergy).
What key conventions of print adverts can you find on the example you have chosen? Product name? 

Font? Slogan? Central image? Colour?
The central image is of Messi  and is located right in the middle of the print.This is so that people look and see the most know football player and look at the other things on it as the central image all ready  got the attention of the viewer.Also Messi is dressed casually, to makes the fans feel that they are on the same level and that he isn't  any better. We also get to see the slogan "we are Fifa 14" in a font that EA sports has been using for a long time for the other Fifa's.This shows that no matter who you are you can play the game, a male or a female, old or young , black or white   and that all of the people come together and play one game that is Fifa. The main colour is black and red.This is the traditional Fifa colour that has been used for the older games as well.

  1. Find three reviews for your game that were originally published in videogame magazines. Are they positive or negative about the game? Copy and paste one quote from each review.
  2. Did your game feature on any videogame magazine front covers? Find examples and explain why a front cover feature is so successful in promoting a game to its target audience.


  1. Did your chosen game use a TV advert to promote the game? Embed it from YouTube if it did.
  2. Is there a game trailer on YouTube? Embed it on your blog and explain why it is effective in promoting the game to its target audience.
  3. Can you find any other broadcast features on the game - interviews, launch party events, video reviews, clips of the gameplay on YouTube etc. Write about how they effectively promote the game to its target audience.


  1. Visit your chosen game's official website. How does it attract and maintain the interest of its target audience?
  2. Are there any creative or interesting aspects to the game's official website?
  3. Does the game have a YouTube channel?
  4. Can you find any examples of user-generated content on YouTube that players have created and uploaded from the game? Embed any examples on your blog.
  5. How does user-generated content such as gameplay videos help to promote the game?
  6. How many 'likes' has your chosen game's Facebook wall had?
  7. Choose five of the posts on the Facebook page's wall, screengrab them and explain how they appeal to the game's target audience.
  8. What is your chosen game's Twitter hashtag?
  9. How did the campaign use Twitter to promote the game?
  10. Can you find any other creative uses of e-media to promote the game? This might include hashtags, competitions, Instagram, user-generated campaigns or anything else that is designed to draw attention to the game.


  1. What else can you find from the marketing and promotion of your chosen game? A launch event? Stories appearing in newspapers? Celebrity endorsement? Scandal or controversy?
  2. Write down anything else of interest at the end of your case study blogpost.

Nba 2k14

Name of game:Nba 2k14

Release date:The game for the first gen was released on October 1, 2013 , November 15, 2013 for PS4 and November 22, 2013 for Xbox One.

Institutions behind the game (game studio/publisher):The game was published by 2k Sports.

Gaming platforms it is available on (e.g. PS4, PC, Wii etc.): Microsoft windows , PS3 , PS4 , xbox 360 , xbox one , iOS and Android


  1. What key conventions of print adverts can you find on the example you have chosen? Product name? Font? Slogan? Central image? Colour?In the print we get to see the name of the game in the top, the  name is in the same original NBA 2k font that has been used from the early years of the game.The central image is of LeBron , arguably one of the greatest player in NBA History, behind the image there is a close-up of his face fading with the background.He is dressed in his home Heat Jersey. The colour scheme is very basic , it consists of White, blue ,red and black.The background is red and so is the second image of James, the games title is in the normal colour and so is the logo of NBA. 
  2. Find three reviews for your game that were originally published in videogame magazines. Are they positive or negative about the game? Copy and paste one quote from each review.
  3. Did your game feature on any videogame magazine front covers? Find examples and explain why a front cover feature is so successful in promoting a game to its target audience.


  1. Did your chosen game use a TV advert to promote the game? Embed it from YouTube if it did and explain how it fits the key conventions of a TV advert.
  2. Is there a game trailer on YouTube? Embed it on your blog and explain why it is effective in promoting the game to its target audience.
  3. Can you find any other broadcast features on the game - interviews, launch party events, video reviews, clips of the gameplay on YouTube etc. Write about how they effectively promote the game to its target audience.


  1. Visit your chosen game's official website. How does it attract and maintain the interest of its target audience?
  2. Are there any creative or interesting aspects to the game's official website?
  3. Does the game have a YouTube channel?
  4. Can you find any examples of user-generated content on YouTube that players have created and uploaded from the game? Embed any examples on your blog.
  5. How does user-generated content such as gameplay videos help to promote the game?
  6. How many 'likes' has your chosen game's Facebook wall had?
  7. Choose five of the posts on the Facebook page's wall, screengrab them and explain how they appeal to the game's target audience.
  8. What is your chosen game's Twitter hashtag?
  9. How did the campaign use Twitter to promote the game?
  10. Can you find any other creative uses of e-media to promote the game? This might include hashtags, competitions, Instagram, user-generated campaigns or anything else that is designed to draw attention to the game.

Pre- and post-release

  1. What was the game's release date?
  2. What is the earliest reference you can find to the game before the release date? Was it announced at a gaming conference (such as E3)? How did the publisher get a potential audience excited about the forthcoming game?
  3. How did the institution promote the game after it was released? 
  4. Does the game have any way of making the publisher additional income post-release (such as in-game purchases)?


  1. Who do you think is the target audience for this game? Make up a potential target audience demographic and explain why you think it fits the game. What psychographic groups would be attracted to this game?
  2. What else can you find from the marketing and promotion of your chosen game? A launch event? Stories appearing in newspapers? Celebrity endorsement? Scandal or controversy?
  3. How does the campaign make an emotional connection with the audience? What is the audience appeal of the advertising campaign?
  4. Can you find any images of how the game was promoted in-store - displays, point-of-sale promotions, window displays etc.?
  5. Write down anything else of interest at the end of your case study blogpost.

star terk

Pick out the five most significant aspects of the Star Trek campaign from the list above and explain why they were important in creating a buzz about the game.

E3 announcement and teaser trailer
Press release to maintain interest
Release date announced
Pre-order promotional boxes arrive in stores
Official advert released

2)Watch the following YouTube trailers and explain why they might appeal to an audience:
3) How many views did these trailers receive in total? 185,767 

4) Why did the Star Trek videogame publisher develop the marketing campaign over such a long time? Star Trek took this long so that they can get enough time to build up the hype and finish the development of the game.

5) What other examples can you find online from the Star Trek marketing campaign? Print? Reviews? Broadcast? E-media? Do you feel the campaign as a whole was successful? Boring action-IGN Poor gameplay mechanics -TGN. The campaign was successful as it generated a huge buzz and hype, a lot of people waned to get their hand on the game and play it.however, the developers did a bad job with the gameplay and graphics.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Wii party

    Wii Party

 Wii Party was released on Nintendo on July 8 2010. 

Which developer/institution created Wii Party?   The developers are ND Cube and Nintendo Software. 
How many copies has the game sold since release?  The game has sold 7.94 million worldwide.

What key conventions of print adverts can you find on the example you have chosen? Product name? Font? Slogan? Central image? Colour?The print has the title and Wii is written in the orignal font , it also has a slogan.The print advert is very colourful and uses many images  mainly to attract a younger  target audience.

Find three reviews for your game that were originally published in videogame magazines. Are they positive or negative about the game? Copy and paste one quote from each review.
"This game is amazing and it's very fun as you will experience hours of fun mini games" Positive"Very enjoyable game to play!"positiveYet another absolute insult from Nintendo to fans of videogames.  negative
Most of the reviews are positive except one , as a result if people look ate the reviews they will be convinced that the game is good.
Did your game feature on any videogame magazine front covers? Find examples and explain why a front cover feature is so successful in promoting a game to its target audience.It was only promoted inside magazines  not on front covers.
Visit your chosen game's official website. How does it attract and maintain the interest of its target audience?it keeps the website very colourful which attracts more viewers to visit the page more and has video of families playing it which makes the viewers want to buy it.

Does the game have a YouTube channel?yes the game has a youtube channel to promote themself.
How many 'likes' has your chosen game's Facebook wall had?17,575 likes.
What is your chosen game's Twitter hashtag?#mariopartyout!
How did the campaign use Twitter to promote the game?the campaign posted many pictures and tweets about the game which got it trending and began promoting their campaign

Candy Crush

  1. How much money is Candy Crush Saga estimated to make each day from its users? Candy Crush Saga is estimated to make £610,000 ($1,000,000) per day from its users
  2. How does it make this money? In-app-advertisement and purchase also paid-for app
  3. How many people are estimated to have installed Candy Crush?  500 million people have installed Candy Crush
  4. Where do people play? 60% of UK gamers play to and from work ,28% play at work or during work hours
  5. When was the game released?  November 2012: Released for iOS devices ,December 2012: Launches on Android devices
  6. When did it reach 500 million downloads?  November 2013: Reaches 500 million downloads worldwide
  7. Who is the typical Candy Crush gamer? Typical Candy Crush Saga player is a woman aged 25-45.
  8. What percentage of gamers have spent money on Candy Crush, buying in-app purchases etc..?  25% of players have spent money on Candy Crush
  9. What percentage say they are addicted to the game?  30% say they are addicted to the game
  10. What is your own experience of playing Candy Crush? Have you played it? I never played the game but it seems pretty addictive ( witch is good in a way ).

The target audience of the game are mostly addicted and are willing to spend money on the game.Women blow £400000 a day playing candy crush.Also the Fans are very loyal to the game especial at the age of 25-55.

41% are men
45% have a full time job
38% have at least 1 child
32% play video games with their kids
24% class themselves as core
78% also play console games
21% lists sports as a hobby/interest
40% use family/friend recommendations to choose a mobile game

Brain Training

Task 1:
The audience for Brain Training games are old people. The age 45+. The  game will be available is on phones, tablets and Nintendo DS. The title will be  Mental Challenge and the slogan will be How Smart Are You?

Task 2
We will advertise the game by using a variety of different advertisement such as TV and Billboards .We will have a TV advert on BBC before and after the News. We will have three locations for our billboards.The first one being on a highway , second one on public transport and the final one all the way in  Manhattan New York City.
We will generate the interest and desire by showing a game-play footage of the game in our trailer. We will release the trailer 2 months before the official release date to make the audience desperate to get the game, as a result this should make the audience pre-order the game. it will also generate hype around the game. We want the fans of the game to stay loyal and visit our website as soon as they see the trailer.

The italian job

The main character/hero is a Cuban male,this subverts the stereotype of a American movie main character.He inst exactly a hero as he becomes a crak addict The female is not exactly the woman we would expect in a movie 

The genre of this song is POP/HIP-HOP.The video is very creative and uses great visual effects such as people changing into speakers and many other things..This is very unique and hard to find in other videos.It uses many unique effects that grab our attention that make us keep watching .The visual effect in the background of the video keeps changing and don't stay the same for too long. .The video is colour full and doesn't use black and white as it focuses on the futuristic aspect.The video also uses slow-Mo to make us fell that something important or powerful is happening.

Wii party

General research

The game was released on July 8 2010

Wii party was developed by Nd Cube and Nintendo software planning and development.  

The game sold 7.94 million copies world wide.

  1. What are the key conventions of a videogame TV advert? What would you expect to see in most videogame TV adverts?The key convection of a TV advert are :Title, logo , cover , voice over , gameplay footage , people playing the game and so on.In most adverts  I expect to see people playing the game and most importantly footage of the game.Also we would see a cover of the game so we know how it looks.As a result of this we know how the game looks so we wont have propblems finding it in stores.
  2. How many of the key conventions you have listed above appear in the Wii Party TV adverts? List them with specific details from the Wii Party TV adverts.
  3. What is the typical setting for Wii Party TV adverts? Why is that setting used? The most used location for Wii Party is homes ( living room ). This is the most used location because the living room is where you spend time with other people.Wii Party is supposed to be played with other people and the living room setting encourages that.
  4. How might the setting appeal to families?The setting appeals to families as thats where everyone spends time and play games.
  5. What celebrities do the adverts feature?These celebrities are featured : JLS, Rednappe family , Girls aloud and Ant and deck.
  6. What do you notice about the celebrities' costume and make-up? The celerities are dressed casually , just like us.They have casual clothes, and dont have much make-up on as well.
  7. Why do you think those particular celebrities were chosen? I think these celebrities where chosen as they represent Wii Party well.The Rednappe represent family , JLS represent friends and Ant and Deck are just loved by the British public.As a result people can relate and might get persuaded that they should buy the game.  
  8. What do the celebrities suggest about the Wii Party target audience? These celebrities suggest that the game can be played by anyone but na group 
  9. What else can you learn about the Wii Party target audience from the TV adverts? Suggest a demographic profile: gender, age, social class etc.Another lesson you might learn from the tv advert is that you can be a male and a female to play the game.Your social class dosent matter as well as both average and rich people play the game.
  10. What audience pleasures do the Wii Party TV adverts offer to viewers? Refer to Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory when answering this question.
  11. What examples of branding can you find in the Wii Party TV adverts - either for the game itself or Nintendo Wii?
  12. Do you think the TV adverts were effective for promoting the Wii Party game?

  1. Find a Wii Party review from a magazine or newspaper. What does the review suggest about the target audience for the game?
  2. Is the review positive or negative about the game? Copy and paste one quote from the review to support this view.
  3. Do you think magazine reviews are effective in promoting the game to Wii Party's target audience?

  1. Visit the Wii Party website. How does it attract and maintain the interest of a Wii Party fan?
  2. What do you notice about the people in the scrolling central image featured on the website?
  3. How many times can you find the words 'friends' or 'family' used on the official website? Why do you think the website emphasises this aspect of the game?
  4. What is the colour scheme for the website? What does this suggest about the target audience?
  5. Look at the 'Video Gallery' on the official website. What do the 'Invitation' videos suggest about the Wii Party target audience?
  6. How many 'likes' has the Wii Party/Wii Party U Facebook wall had?
  7. How does the Wii Party Facebook wall cross-promote other Nintendo games? Find three examples and explain why they appeal to the Wii Party target audience.
  8. Wii Party does not have such a strong presence on other social networking sites. Why do you think this is?
  9. Which platform do you think is strongest in promoting Wii Party to its target audience - broadcast, print or e-media? Why?

Case study institution

Rockstar Games
Background: year formed and location

1998, New City 

Take-Two Interactive
Most successful games:

GTA , Midnight Club , Max Pain and Red Dead Redemption 
Interesting fact about the institution:

They have 8 studios, all in different places.

EA (Electronic Arts)
Background: year formed and location

 May 28, 1982

Trip Hawkins
Most successful games:

Fifa and BattleField
Interesting fact about the institution:

Originally, EA was a home computer game publisher

Background: year formed and location

July 2007, San Francisco, California, United States

 Eric Schiermeyer and Mark Pincus
Most successful games:

Interesting fact about the institution:
Zynga has 232m monthly active users
 and 60m daily active users.Its a social gaming Company.

Background: year formed and location
September 23, 1889, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture,Japan
 Fusajiro Yamauchi
Most successful games:Wii sports  Mario Kart wii and Super Mario.
Interesting fact about the institution:
Nintendo had 10 different logos.

Sony Computer Entertainment
Background: year formed and location
November 16, 1993, Tokyo, Japan
 Ken KutaragiNorio Ohga
Most successful games:
Uncharted and killzone
Description: fact about the institution:
Early names:Totsuko and  Tokyo Teletech


  1. How long has the Rokkan advertising agency been around for? 14 years
  2. Where is Rokkan based? New York
  3. What brands have Rokkan advertised? Sharp , wellpoint , American express...
  4. Why was Rokkan's campaign for the videogame 'Dishonored' so successful? Its been so successful because  its campaign encompassed all sides of the marketing spectrum: from key art and box art design, to a suite of themed microsites, dramatic trailers, and custom video content, and out of home advertising as well. The agency also created a mobile game called Rat Assassin to tie the whole experience together.
  5. Who was the publisher for 'Dishonored'?Bethesda Softworks.


Visit the PEGI website and have a look around. 

Now click on the FAQ section of the website and answer the following questions:

  1. What is PEGI and where is PEGI based?
  2. How does PEGI rate games?
  3. What are the age classifications used by PEGI?
  4. What are the seven aspects that PEGI look for when giving a game a rating (e.g. violence)?
  5. What is PEGI online? What does PEGI online regulate?


Visit the Advertising Standards Authority website and have a look around. 

Now click on the About section of the ASA website and answer the following questions:

  1. What is the ASA's mission? Our mission is to ensure that advertising in all media is legal, decent, honest and truthful, to the benefit of consumers, business and society.
  2. What are the ASA's values?
  3. Consistent and proportionate
  4. Reliable and ethical
  5. Fair and respectful to all
  6. Accessible and helpful
  7. Intelligent and thorough, but also timely and proportionate
  8. Open and accountable, acting with integrity and never being afraid to admit when we’re wrong
  9. An excellent team, inspiring excellence in each other

Now click on the Rulings section of the website. This is where the ASA reports on recent complaints and whether they upheld the complaint or rejected it.

Choose one of the complaints and write the following:

  1. The company that was advertising:
  2. Why someone complained:
  3. Whether the complaint was upheld and why:

Fifa case study

The poster shows the name, logo and official Fifa licence , the background is a stadium with thousands of people.In the centre You find arguably one of the greatest football players.This promotes the game well as a lot of fans and casual people admire Messi  because he has a reputation of a humble and helpful person.Also a lot of fans fell like they know Messi because they seen him so much on tv and know so much about him, as a result they should buy the game to support him.The background is black and white and The logo, title, Licence and Messi are the only thing in colour

The Tv advert uses a lot of famous football players such as Messi,El Shaarwy and bale, the adverts also has a famous artist drake who also is promoting fifa 14.The players are dressed casualy so that the players are the same as us and not any better.We also see people from all ages, race and gender , this represents that the game is for everyone.Messi is driving a van and everyone will recognise him no matter if they are football fans or not, because of his popularity and success. his means the advert can attract even a wider audience that probably never played FIFA or never heard about it as the world's best footballer is endorsing it they might give it a go.

I think that E-media is more important that print since most of the buyers are between 10-25.People this age don’t really read magazines and focus on billboards.However they do spend a lot of time on the internet and that’s why I believe that e-media would be more effective

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Planetside 2 Case study

  1. What is Planetside 2? Planetside 2 is a MMO FPS.
  2. What genre does the game belong to? MMO FPS
  3. Planetside 2 developer/publisher: The game was developed by Sony Online Entertainment.
  4. When was it launched? The game was released on November 20, 2012
  5. How does the gameplay work? You download the game, sign in and play.
  6. What are the six different player classes in the game? The Infiltrator,The Light Assault,The Combat Medic,The Engineer,The Heavy Assault and The MAX 
  7. What is the story or narrative to the game? War between three different teams fighting for what they believe is right. 

Business model
Now look at the section on the Planetside 2 business model.
  1. How much does Planetside 2 cost to play? Planetside 2 is free to play.
  2. What does a subscription offer to players? It offers them more maps, guns , health and other player upgrades. 
  3. What can the in-game currency be used to buy?The currency can be used to buy player upgrades.
  4. Why do some players dislike games in which users can buy additional weapons or health? Some players don't have credit cards and their parents don't let them use theirs.It give other player advantages witch can make the game unfair as well.

The three factions
Summarise the three factions that players can join in the game:

The Terran Republic:  The Terran Republic are and value .Proud, honour and Duty
The Vanu Sovereignty:The Vanu Sovereignty are and value  Wisdom , Truth and Enlightenment
The New Conglomerates:The New Conglomerates are and value Freedom , Fight and Rebels

Write a possible target audience demographic for Planetside 2 in general:
Gender 65% male and 35% female/age 16-35/social class/education/employment student and mid class jobs/location city some countryside etc.

Now write a target audience demographic for each faction from Planetside 2 – it will be similar to the overall target audience but think carefully about changes in age, education or employment:

The Terran Republic.age 28-25.Good job.have a lot of money.Well educated.Most likely to own expensive products ig BMW , expensive house.

The Vanu Sovereignty.age 22-27.Decent job.Work for an average wage.not to well educated.Have normal , expected items. 

The New Conglomerates. age 16-21.Students.No much money, they dont work as they are rebels.Getting educated.They have most teen age product ig xbox, iphone or blackberry.

Now use what you have learned about psychographic profiling to choose potential psychographic groups for each of the three factions:

The Terran Republic:Resigned.They follow the law and are happy how everything is and they dont want a change.

The Vanu Sovereignty:Succeeders , they know what they want.

The New Conglomerates:Reformers and Explorers.They whant to see change and newthings.

Explain why those psychographic groups would fit that particular faction.