Friday, 9 May 2014

star terk

Pick out the five most significant aspects of the Star Trek campaign from the list above and explain why they were important in creating a buzz about the game.

E3 announcement and teaser trailer
Press release to maintain interest
Release date announced
Pre-order promotional boxes arrive in stores
Official advert released

2)Watch the following YouTube trailers and explain why they might appeal to an audience:
3) How many views did these trailers receive in total? 185,767 

4) Why did the Star Trek videogame publisher develop the marketing campaign over such a long time? Star Trek took this long so that they can get enough time to build up the hype and finish the development of the game.

5) What other examples can you find online from the Star Trek marketing campaign? Print? Reviews? Broadcast? E-media? Do you feel the campaign as a whole was successful? Boring action-IGN Poor gameplay mechanics -TGN. The campaign was successful as it generated a huge buzz and hype, a lot of people waned to get their hand on the game and play it.however, the developers did a bad job with the gameplay and graphics.

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