Wednesday 23 April 2014


                                            GTA V
Description: V used many print adverts such as billboards, posters and magazines.The color scheme of the poster is very bright.It uses bright, good feeling colours .The central image is found in the centre of the poster. The model is a young female dressed in a bikini .This is supposed to grab the attention of the viewer by using a attractive female character.She is taking a picture with her phone, thats why she is posing in this way as she is trying to pose the  phone in her hand not to the main camera. The game was featured in the xbox 360 magazine.This is important way to promote the game as gamers that read the magazine will gain awareness and knowledge of the game and its existence.As a result GTA V  will be more know and hopefully get more sales.

GTA V used a TV advert to promote the game ( )
The game also used a YouTube trailer ( )
This was an important way to promote the game as YouTube is one of the most used sites in the whole world.This means that the awareness of the existence of the game is higher .As a result more people should see the trailer , meaning that more people should be interested in buying the game which will increase the sales.Also a lot of old fans of the GTA series are regular users of YouTube as well as other gamers. This should give the fans a taste of what the game is like .If they enjoy the game and find it attractive they are most likely to buy it.
The game also had many reviews done, but one of the most popular and most listened to by gamers  was done by IGN and Machinema (  , ). The game was rated 10 out of 10.This is extremely beneficial for GTA V  as if any people had seconds thought they are almost persuaded that the game is great and a “must have”.This should help the game sell more copies, however if the game had bad reviews the sales would be significantly smaller  , fortunately for GTA V  all the reviews where positive.
The official wbsite of GTA V  attracts its audience by having a specific section that just focuses on GTA V.Its maintains the intrest of its audience by  having new tips and trick that the fans can cheack up on everyday.One aspects that i found intresting is that you can find tips on anything in tha game, starting from where to buy clothes to what car drive.This is almost like real life as you have tips on almost anything and you can read and find out new things almost about everything.
The game has an official YouTube channel called Rockstar Games ( ) Manny users have played and uploaded gameplay of the games on YouTube ( )This helps to promote the game as subscribers of the YouTubers channel get to see the game and might become a fan of GTA.The game has 1.9 million likes on facebook. The facebook wall feature videos of user uploaded content. This appeals to the target audience as the content is something that people that play the game will enjoy , for example funny videos and montages.The most used GTA V hashtags are : #GTA, #GTAV, #GTA5 AND #gtaFAIL etc...The game used famous people to promote the game on twitter by posting on their own profile about the game and by hashtaging.

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